Personal Transformation PLR
This Personal Transformation PLR content will help you teach your customers how they can transform themselves into the person they want to be, and how they can do what they want to do in their life. You will be able to provide them with ways to transform themselves for the better! This high-quality content is ready for you to edit and brand as your own!
Personal Transformation PLR

Power of Personal Transformation – 2,739 words, 16 pages. This report is formatted and includes a table of contents with easy to click hyperlinked pages, disclaimer, introduction, and conclusion. Fully illustrated with 100% royalty-free, commercial use images. Word and PDF formats supplied.

eCover Graphics
Eye-catching eCovers in four different styles to suit your own requirements. Provided in both JPG and PNG high quality formats. Plus editable PSD file.

CTA Graphic
This call-to-action graphic will catch your website visitors attention! Place it anywhere, especially on your website and link it to your optin page supplied in this offer.

Report Squeeze & Download Pages
You will receive an HTML squeeze page (or optin page) and download page, designed to build your list. Simply add your optin code, make the necessary changes and upload to your server.
Instructions are included. We have a video showing you how to upload to your server too.

20 x Social Quote Posters
Add these famous quote posters to your existing website content or anywhere you like. They are the perfect way to brighten up any of your existing content. Plus, people love sharing inspirational quotes on eye-catching posters!
You can also add these posters to your social media platforms. JPG format and editable PSD files supplied.

Power of Personal Transformation PLR Report
This report includes a disclaimer, table of contents, introduction and conclusion. Beautifully formatted and illustrated with royalty free, commercial use licensed images. Word doc and PDF provided. 2,739 words, 16 pages.

Personal Transformation PLR Report eCover Graphics
These cover graphics are designed with royalty-free, commercial use images. As you can see they look professional, which will enhance your customer’s perception of your professionalism. You will receive 4 different styles to suit your own personal preference. Available in web-ready JPG and PNG formats, plus the editable PSD file.

Personal Transformation PLR Custom Squeeze Page (or Optin Page), Download Page
You will receive the HTML squeeze page (or optin page) and download (or thank you) page. Simply edit the HTML files to add your own website links and your optin form code. Upload the files to your own hosting account and you’re done! There’s no easier way to build your list. Squeeze page instructions are included for your convenience.

Call-to-Action Graphic
This graphic will catch your website visitors attention, and have them sign up to receive their free gift, which is the report in this offer. You can place this graphic anywhere you like. Link it to your optin page and watch your customer base grow!

20 x Social Quote Posters
Your website visitors are more likely to share your post if you have an inspirational quote on an eye-catching poster! You can add these posters to your social media platforms and link back to your website. Each poster is provided in web-ready format and the editable PSD file.

As you can see this is a lot of high-quality content that’s ready for you to use as your own. We’ve created it for you, so you can spend time in other areas of your business. That’s why done-for-you content is such a great time-saver!
Only $27

Personal Transformation PLR
We also have other content that may interest you, including this Personal Growth PLR content and this Personal Power PLR pack. We also have many other personal development topics you can view in our PLR catalog.

Only $27
To your success and health always,

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