Overcoming Conflict PLR and Conflict Resolution PLR
This Conflict PLR content provides the information you need to help your customers learn the tools that are essential to conflict resolution. They will learn how to apply them appropriately and also how to accept their part in any conflict situation. Learning this important life skill will help them to deal with difficult people they meet, and those they already know, allowing them to live their lives more effectively and happily! This high-quality content is ready for you to edit, and brand as your own!
Conflict PLR and Conflict Resolution PLR Content

Conflict Resolution PLR Report
Conflict Resolution – 2,296 words, 13 pages.
The report is formatted and includes a table of contents with easy to click hyperlinked pages, disclaimer, introduction, and conclusion. Illustrated with royalty-free, commercial use licensed images. Word and PDF formats supplied.

Report and eBook Cover Graphics
Professionally created. Eye-catching eCovers in four different styles to suit your own requirements. Provided in both JPG and PNG high quality formats. Plus you get the PSD files to edit and brand as your own.

Report Squeeze and Download Pages
You will receive an HTML squeeze page (or optin page) and download page, designed to build your list. Simply add your optin code, make the necessary changes and upload to your server. Instructions are included.

CTA Graphic
This call-to-action graphic will catch your website visitor’s attention, and have them sign up to receive their free gift, which is the report in this offer. You can place this graphic anywhere you like. Link it to your optin page and watch your customer base grow.

Autoresponder Email Series
Five emails ready for you to copy and paste into your autoresponder. You can build a trusting relationship with your subscribers without having to think what to write.
Each email has a prompt, advising you to add your call-to-action. So you won’t forget to make each email a valuable send. Provided in Word Doc and Text file formats.

10 Articles – Written and Audio Formats
10 high quality articles. Professionally researched, written and edited. Each article is provided in Text File and Word Doc formats, plus an audio MP3 file provided in both male and female voices.

Conflict PLR eBook
Overcoming Conflict – 8,101 words, 40 pages. For those who love eBooks, we have created an eBook for you from the articles in this pack. Word and PDF formats supplied.
The eBook is formatted and includes a table of contents with easy to click hyperlinked pages, disclaimer, introduction, and conclusion.
Illustrated with our designed social posters, which are royalty-free, commercial use images.

eBook Sales Page and Download Page
You will receive an HTML sales page and download page so that you can easily sell your eBook to your customers. Simply make the necessary changes and upload to your server. Instructions are included.

Workbook and Graphic
You can give the workbook to your customer as a bonus optin gift, a bonus if they buy your eBook, or whatever you want to use it for!
You will also receive a cover graphic, plus the PSD file. Workbook provided in both Word doc and PDF formats.

Social Posters
Each poster suits one of the articles in this package. The photographs used are 100% royalty-free, and commercial use licensed. Provided in web-ready JPG and PNG formats, plus the editable PSD files for each poster.

Social Media Posts
These done-for-you posts are ready for you to use and share your content. They will save you heaps of time!

One full-size infographic, which has been created to provide a further 5 infographics. Our infographics are huge! Be seen as an authority in your niche. These high-quality ‘info-graphics’ are worth more than this total package!

Conflict Resolution PLR Report
This Conflict Resolution report will help your customers resolve disputes and conflicts, and understand that there is a range of valid and effective methods of dealing with conflict. They will also learn the sometimes necessary escalating stages of conflict resolution that need to be applied when a satisfactory outcome seems unlikely. This is all information that will add to their life skills! The report includes a disclaimer, table of contents, introduction and conclusion. The chapters are hyperlinked, and you will receive the word document for easy editing, or you can use the PDF which is ready to use. Beautifully formatted and illustrated with royalty-free, commercial use images. 13 pages, 2,296 words.
Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution PLR Report Covers
These report covers are designed with royalty-free, commercial use images. As you can see they look professional, which will enhance your customer’s perception of your professionalism. You will receive 4 different styles to suit your own personal preference. Available in web-ready JPG and PNG formats, plus the editable PSD file.

Conflict Resolution PLR Custom Squeeze Page (or Optin Page), Download Page
You will receive the HTML squeeze page (or optin page) and download (or thank you) page. Simply edit the HTML files to add your own website links and your optin form code. Upload the files to your own hosting account and you’re done! There’s no easier way to build your list. Squeeze page instructions are included for your convenience.

Conflict Resolution Call to Action Graphic
Place this call-to-action graphic anywhere on your website, or social media platforms. Your visitor can click through to your squeeze page and sign up to receive more information from you.

5 Emails – Upload Series to Your Autoresponder
You will receive five emails that are ready for you to copy and paste into your autoresponder. Your subscribers will optin to your free ‘Conflict Resolution’ report offer, then they can receive your follow-up email series. This will enable you to build a trusting relationship with your subscribers. Each email has a little note (a prompt from us), advising you to add your call-to-action. You can link to whatever you want to promote! We give examples for you, so you won’t forget to make each email a valuable send. Provided in Word Doc and Text file formats.

Overcoming Conflict PLR eBook
The articles in this package have been repurposed to create this ‘Overcoming Conflict‘ eBook. All the chapters are the article titles listed below. The eBook has been completely reformatted and includes a disclaimer, table of contents, introduction and conclusion. The chapters are hyperlinked, and you will receive the word document for easy editing, or you can use the PDF which is ready to use. Beautifully formatted and illustrated with our royalty-free, commercial use social posters. 8,101 words, 40 pages.
Overcoming Conflict

Overcoming Conflict PLR eBook Covers
These eBook covers are designed with royalty-free, commercial use images. As you can see they look professional, which will enhance your customer’s perception of your professionalism. You will receive 4 different styles to suit your own personal preference. Available in web-ready JPG and PNG formats, plus the editable PSD file.

Overcoming Conflict PLR eBook Sales Page and Download Page
To promote your eBook, you will receive an HTML sales page and download page. Plus, the sales copy is provided in a Word doc, so if you prefer to use WordPress, you can. Instructions are included. Now you can grow your list with your report, build a trusting relationship with your emails, and makes sales by selling your eBook! This done-for-you content is ready for you to edit and brand as your own!

Dealing with Conflict PLR Workbook
You can give the workbook to your customer as a surprise bonus optin gift, or a bonus if they buy your eBook, or whatever you want to use it for! You will also receive a workbook cover graphic, plus the PSD file. Workbook provided in both Word Doc and PDF formats.

Conflict PLR Articles – Written and Audio
You will also receive the professionally written and edited articles we have used to create the eBook in this offer. Word Docs and Text files supplied.
- Dealing with Conflict – Be a Listener, Not an Arguer – 730
- Avoid Conflict When Dealing With Difficult People – 754
- Avoiding Conflict When Providing Constructive Criticism – 699 words
- The Conflict Triangle Explained – 553 words
- How to Stop Your Anger Outbursts During Conflict Situations – 829 words
- Tips to Handle Other People’s Anger and Avoid Conflict – 726 words
- Saying Sorry to Dissolve Conflict – 702 words
- How to Save Your Personal Relationship from Conflict – 815
- When Conflicts Can’t be Solved, It’s Time to Negotiate – 725
- What To Do When Both Parties Can’t Agree – 718 words
Conflict PLR Audio Articles – Male and Female Voices
You’ll receive an audio file for each article in both male and female voices. You don’t need the voice to be your own… you can simply introduce the ‘speaker’ in the audio as the person reading your content. Start your own podcast or place the audio on your website for those who prefer to listen! Audio articles are provided in MP3 format.

Male Recording Sample
Female Recording Sample

Conflict PLR Social Posters
Social posters are a real bonus to your business. Why? People love to share gorgeous graphics and that’s what we have created for you. You can post these on your website and share them on your favorite social media platforms. You’ll receive 10 social posters, one for each article in this package, plus you’ll receive the PSD editable files.

10 Social Media Posts
Once you have published your articles, share on your favorite social media platforms. You will receive 10 ready-to-use snippets, each one corresponds to one of the articles. They will save you time scheduling and posting your new content!

Conflict Resolution PLR Infographics
This package also includes one full-size infographic which measures 1,000px x 11,630px. Therefore we have created it to provide a further 5 infographics, as that is just too big! This means it gives you more opportunity to be seen and your graphics shared on more social media platforms. The content covers: Conflict Resolution – 1,000 x 1,110px, The Conflict Triangle – 1,000 x 1,760px, Conflict Resolution Styles – 1,000 x 2,700px, Alternative Dispute Resolution Types – 1,000 x 1,595px and Tips to Avoid Conflict – 1,000 x 3,950px.

By now you have seen the high-quality content you will be proud to call your own. You can use this content in your business right now!
ONLY $67

Conflict PLR and Conflict Resolution PLR
ONLY $67
To your success always,

Geoff and Susan O’Dea
Hi Susie,
Kindly let me know if my membership is still current. I changed my email address from when I first signed up with you. I do want to purchase the PLR on the conflict resolution offer. Thank you!
Helen Glen
Hi Helen,
Thank you for asking! Yes, you still have a member’s area you can login to. Your email address is the same… so you can try to login here:
If you have forgotten your password, you can do a password reset. Please let me know if you have any problems!
Thank you again,