Reprogram Your Mind PLR - Powerful Mind Training Techniques

Binaural Beats, Brainwave Entrainment, Subliminal Messaging & More - 'Done-For-You' Content


This Content Is Ready For You To Brand and Edit As Your Own

We've created all the content you need, so that you don't have to! Now you can provide your website visitors with the information they need to understand the power they hold within their subconscious mind. If you are a personal development coach, professional speaker, or a conscientious blogger, you'll love using this high-quality content in your business!

How This Private Label Rights Content Can Help You

There are many ways you can use the content in this offer! You can use the reports as free gifts for those who subscribe to your list. You can post the articles on your blog, you can add them to the report and make another eBook, you can post to social media and generate lots of traffic to your website... and more! Every part of this package will save you time and money because we've done all the hard work for you! You won't have to do any research or write your content, and you won't have to pay a fortune to have someone else do it all for you if you don't have the time!

ONLY $97

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Full Details of What's Included

The subconscious mind is extremely powerful. Through reprogramming our subconscious mind we can create the future we desire. We can change our thoughts, our beliefs and our circumstances, just by communicating to it, activating it, and taking control.

Please note: All images used in creating this content, designed to pass on to YOU, are legal!
They are ALL licensed for commercial use and are royalty free.

Binaural Beats - PLR Report

Report, eCover Graphics, Squeeze Page and CTA Graphic!

Binaural Beats PLR Report and Squeeze Page Pack
  • Report - Binaural Beats

    ‘Get ready to reap The Benefits of Binaural Beats’

    3,637 words, 20 pages. – Formatted and includes a table of contents with easy to click hyperlinked pages. Disclaimer, introduction and conclusion added.

    Fully illustrated with 100% royalty free, commercial use licensed images. Word and PDF formats supplied.

  • eCover Graphics

    Professionally created, eye-catching eCover graphics. Four different styles to suit your own requirements and preferences. Provided in JPG & PNG web-ready formats, plus editable PSD file.

  • Copy and Paste Squeeze Page

    Ready To Install WordPress Squeeze Page

    Simply ‘copy and paste’ the text supplied, then add your (autoresponder) optin form code! Upload your report and you’re ready to start building your list with your giveaway report!

    Instructions included.

  • 'Call to Action' Graphic

    To have your website visitor take action, you need a ‘call to action’! This graphic can be placed anywhere on your website, or social media platforms! Provided in a web-ready graphic and editable PSD file.

Report Contents

The report is professionally formatted and illustrated with 100% royalty free, commercial use images. We have included a disclaimer, an introduction and a conclusion. 3,637 words and 20 pages. The table of contents is hyperlinked too!

Binaural Beats PLR Report

eCover Graphics

The report cover is provided in 4 different styles for you to choose from. Plus, you'll receive each style in a JPG and PNG. The PSD file is also included for easy editing. These are high quality ecovers that make you stand out from the crowd!

Binaural Beats PLR Report eCover Graphics

Squeeze Page and Call to Action Graphic

Simply 'copy and paste' the text into your WordPress page and add your optin form code!

Plus, we've created a call to action graphic you can place anywhere on your website. For example, you can place it under your relevant posts and then link the graphic to your squeeze page. Watch your list grow as your readers click through to receive your free gift!

Binaural Beats PLR Squeeze Page

Brainwave Entrainment - PLR Report

Report, eCover Graphics, Squeeze Page and CTA Graphic!

Brainwave Entrainment PLR Squeeze Page and CTA Pack
  • Report - Brainwave Entrainment

    ‘Popular Sound Wave Methods for Getting In The Zone’

    2,275 words, 12 pages. – Formatted and includes a table of contents with easy to click hyperlinked pages. Disclaimer, introduction and conclusion added.

    Fully illustrated with 100% royalty free, commercial use licensed images. Word and PDF formats supplied.

  • eCover Graphics

    Professionally created, eye-catching eCover graphics. Four different styles to suit your own requirements and preferences. Provided in JPG & PNG web-ready formats, plus editable PSD file.

  • Copy and Paste Squeeze Page

    Ready To Install WordPress Squeeze Page!

    Simply ‘copy and paste’ the text supplied, then add your (autoresponder) optin form code. Upload your report and you’re ready to start building your list with your giveaway report!

    Instructions included.

  • 'Call to Action' Graphic

    To have your website visitor take action, you need a ‘call to action’! This graphic can be placed anywhere on your website, or social media platforms!

    Provided in a web-ready graphic and editable PSD file.

Report Contents

The report is professionally formatted and illustrated with 100% royalty free, commercial use images. We have included a disclaimer, introduction and conclusion. 2,275 words and 12 pages. The table of contents is hyperlinked too!

Brainwave Entrainment PLR Report

eCover Graphics

The report cover is provided in 4 different styles for you to choose from. Plus, you'll receive each style in a JPG and PNG. The PSD file is also included for easy editing. These are high quality ecovers that make you stand out from the crowd!

Brainwave Entrainment PLR eCover Graphics

Squeeze Page and Call to Action Graphic

Simply 'copy and paste' the text into your WordPress page and add your optin form code!

Plus, we've created a call to action graphic you can place anywhere on your website. For example, you can place it under your relevant posts and then link the graphic to your squeeze page. Watch your list grow as your readers click through to receive your free gift!

Brainwave Entrainment PLR Squeeze Page

Subliminal Messages - PLR Report

Report, eCover Graphics, Squeeze Page and CTA Graphic!

Subliminal Messages PLR Package
  • Report - Subliminal Messages

    ‘Harnessing The Power of Your Subconscious Mind’

    3,849 words, 21 pages. – Formatted and includes a table of contents with easy to click hyperlinked pages. Disclaimer, introduction and conclusion added.

    Fully illustrated with 100% royalty free, commercial use licensed images. Word and PDF formats supplied.

  • eCover Graphics

    Professionally created, eye-catching eCover graphics. Four different styles to suit your own requirements and preferences. Provided in JPG & PNG web-ready formats, plus editable PSD file.

  • Copy and Paste Squeeze Page

    Ready To Install WordPress Squeeze Page!

    Simply ‘copy and paste’ the text supplied, then add your (autoresponder) optin form code! Upload your report and you’re ready to start building your list with your giveaway report!

    Instructions included.

  • 'Call to Action' Graphic

    To have your website visitor take action, you need a ‘call to action’! This graphic can be placed anywhere on your website, or social media platforms!

    Provided in a web-ready graphic and editable PSD file.

Report Contents

The report is professionally formatted and illustrated with 100% royalty free, commercial use images. We have included a disclaimer, introduction and conclusion. 3,849 words and 21 pages. The table of contents is hyperlinked too!

Subliminal Messages PLR Report

eCover Graphics

The report cover is provided in 4 different styles for you to choose from. Plus, you'll receive each style in a JPG and PNG. The PSD file is also included for easy editing. These are high quality ecovers that make you stand out from the crowd!

Subliminal Messages PLR Report eCover Graphics

Squeeze Page and Call to Action Graphic

Simply 'copy and paste' the text into your WordPress page and add your optin form code!

Plus, we've created a call to action graphic you can place anywhere on your website. For example, you can place it under your relevant posts and then link the graphic to your squeeze page. Watch your list grow as your readers click through to receive your free gift!

Subliminal Messages PLR Squeeze Page

10 x Reprogram Your Mind PLR Articles

High Quality, Well Written and Researched

All our articles are professionally written and edited. They are well-researched and full of information! They're not just filled with keywords. Your readers will love them and so will you! Take a look at all the article titles and their word counts below...

Article Titles and Word Counts

1. How to Use NLP to Reprogram Your Mind - 788 words
2. Reprogram Your Mind for Success, Abundance and Happiness - 919 words
3. Reprogram Your Mind Using These Affirmations - 732 words
4. Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind from Negative Thinking - 856 words
5. Train Your Mind to Be More Disciplined - 784 words
6. Train Your Brain to Think Faster - 807 words
7. How to Improve Your Brain Power - 609 words
8. Concentrate and Improve Your Focus - 647 words
9. The Power of Visualization and Your Imagination - 771 words
10. Brain Exercises to Strengthen Your Mind - 762 words

Audio Articles

You'll receive an audio file for each article. Start your own podcast or place on your website for those who prefer to listen! Audio articles are provided in MP3 format.

Reprogram Your Mind Audio PLR Articles

Social Poster Graphics & Social Media Posts

Posters & Snippets to Enhance and Promote The Content Provided!

You'll receive 10 beautiful social posters! They're perfect for sharing on any social media site and your own website! They’ll get people sharing your content, which means links to your website! You’ll receive the JPG, PNG and PSD files for editing.

Each social poster is designed perfectly to go with one of the articles in this package!

Reprogram Your Mind PLR Social Posters

10 Social Media Posts

You'll receive 10 social media snippets to use with your social posters! Each 'snippet' corresponds to one of the articles and social posters in this package. All you have to do is copy and paste the snippet, add your social poster, and link back to the article you posted on your website! Easy peasy!

Reprogram Your Mind Subconscious Mind Workbook

Workbook and Cover Graphics

Understanding the power of your subconscious mind, and applying that knowledge, is the greatest mind hack you can do. Every bit of personal effort you apply to reframing and reprogramming will be repaid over and over in increased happiness and success. This workbook will help your customers get there! Word doc, PDF and cover graphics supplied!

Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind PLR Workbook

4 x Infographics

Authority Sites Use Professional, Quality Infographics Like These!

Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind - Brainwave Entrainment - Binaural Beats - Subliminal Messaging

You’ll receive 4 infographics to boost your online presence! Authority websites have graphics like these, and now it's your turn to be seen as an authority with these professional infographics!

The 4 infographics cover:

1. How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

2. Types of Brainwave Entrainment

3. The Power of Subliminal Messaging

4. How to Use Binaural Beats to Gain It's Benefits

Reprogram Your Mind PLR Infographics

By Now You've Seen The Value and Right Now It's...

ONLY $97

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Here's A Recap of What's In This
Quality PLR Package!


  • 1

    Report #1 - 'Binaural Beats'

    3,637 words, 20 pages. Formatted, disclaimer, introduction and conclusion added and fully illustrated!

  • 2

    eCover Graphics

    eCovers in four different styles. Royalty free, commercial use, no attribution required images! These eCovers are provided in JPG and PNG formats, plus you get the PSD file for editing!

  • 3

    Squeeze Page and 'Call to Action' Graphic

    Simply 'copy and paste' the text and add your optin form code! Plus, we've created a call to action graphic you can place anywhere on your website! People will click to join your list!

  • 4

    Report #2 - 'Brainwave Entrainment'

    2,275 words, 12 Pages. Formatted, disclaimer, introduction and conclusion added and fully illustrated!

  • 5

    eCover Graphics

    eCovers in four different styles. Royalty free, commercial use, no attribution required images! These eCovers are provided in JPG and PNG formats, plus you get the PSD file for editing!

  • 6

    Squeeze Page and 'Call to Action' Graphic

    Simply 'copy and paste' the text and add your optin form code! Plus, we've created a call to action graphic you can place anywhere on your website! People will click to join your list!

  • 7

    Report #3 - 'Subliminal Messages'

    3,849 words, 21 Pages. Formatted, disclaimer, introduction and conclusion added and fully illustrated!

  • 8

    eCover Graphics

    eCovers in four different styles. Royalty free, commercial use, no attribution required images! These eCovers are provided in JPG and PNG formats, plus you get the PSD file for editing!

  • 9

    Squeeze Page and 'Call to Action' Graphic

    Simply 'copy and paste' the text and add your optin form code! Plus, we've created a call to action graphic you can place anywhere on your website! People will click to join your list!

  • 10

    10 x High Quality Articles

    You'll receive 10 professionally written articles on the subconscious mind. It’s great to give your website visitors content that provides helpful information they can use right now and put into action... and these do!

  • 11

    10 x Audio Articles

    Audio articles in MP3 format. Start your own podcast or place on your website for those who prefer to listen!

  • 12

    10 x Social Posters

    Social posters are so popular! We’ve all shared one at some time or another. It's easy to share good information on an eye-catching image!

  • 13

    10 x Social Media Snippets

    You'll receive 10 social media snippets! So grab a social poster and place the corresponding snippet on all your fave social media platforms! Make sure you add the link to your post too!

  • 14

    Workbook - Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

    Editable word document, plus JPG and PSD workbook covers.

  • 15

    4 x Infographics

    Professionally designed infographics! Perfect for uploading to Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram or any other social media platform!

ONLY $97

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Frequently Asked Questions

How Long To Create? How Much To Create? +

Like you, how can we price our time and effort? Hours of work have gone into creating this package just for you. By now we are sure you can see the value in this offer so we don’t need to put a value on that! You already know! As for cost, this package is cheaper than just one article to have written by a freelance writer.

What Is PLR or Private Label Rights? +

PLR or Private Label Rights is where you and others can buy and use the content and claim it as your own. You can change it and rewrite it to make it your own individual or original style, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to. That is the beauty of PLR.

You can change it or leave it as is…you have purchased the license to use as your own. You just can't resell this content as PLR!

How Do You Make PLR Unique? +

You can make your articles sound more like ‘you’ by reading through the article and adding your voice. For example, if the article sounds too technical, you can soften it by adding your own take on it or slant. Give your thoughts. It only takes a tweak here and there to make it totally and uniquely yours.

Who Provides High Quality PLR? +

We do! Plus, there are other providers that do too. Yes, there is some PLR content out there that is rubbish, however, there is also a lot of excellent PLR available from reputable sellers. We are very proud to be associated with a select group of like-minded PLR providers who, like us, focus on delivering quality content.

Can You Profit From Using PLR? +

The answer is yes! You can create your own products or use the ebooks or any other content that is done for you! You can setup sales funnels for example. Your website visitor optins to your list, learns to trust you, and becomes a buying customer. Nice. 😉

Isn't PLR Content Duplicate Content? +

This is a question that gets pushed around all over the web. I’ll give this example. A worldwide catastrophe occurs! Every newspaper, television and media source covers the event…same photos, same news…same quotes. Is it duplicate content? No. As for SEO and duplicate content…I could go on for hours explaining that one!

Do I Need To Use PLR? +

No, you can write your own and create all your own graphics. If you have the time and don’t want to spend a few dollars on already done-for-you content…then no you don’t. However, think of the big supermarkets. They use PLR groceries! They buy from a ‘PLR seller’ and rebrand it as their own. Clever don’t you think? 😉

What Is Your Refund Policy? +

We have a 'NO REFUND' policy. Why? This is private label rights content that you can download digitally. You can't return already have it on your hard-drive. So don't buy it if you're looking for a refund.

Your PLR License Details

Your PLR License

  • [YES] You can edit the content.
  • [YES] You can put your name on it.
  • [YES] You can use in your autoresponder messages.
  • [YES] You can use the report to give to your optin list.
  • [YES] You can use content to create your own ebooks.
  • [YES] You can rebrand and sell the ebook as your own.
  • [YES] You can use the content on your website.

What You Can't Do

  • [NO] You CANNOT sell as PLR - Private Label Rights.
  • [NO] You CANNOT sell Resale Rights.
  • [NO] You CANNOT sell Master Resale Rights.
  • [NO] You CANNOT sell on auction websites or Fiverr.
  • [NO] You CANNOT sell the complete package! (OR copy my sales page!)
  • [NO] You CANNOT give your customers any PSD files.
  • [NO] You CANNOT give complete package as bonus!
  • [NO] You CANNOT sell on Kindle!

Now You Can be Seen As An Authority Too!


"Grab this offer today...we know you won't be disappointed with the quality of this PLR content!"

Reprogram Your Mind PLR - Powerful Mind Training Techniques
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