If you want to build your brand and grow using social media platforms, you can use your PLR to save you both time and money. Social media plays an important role in giving you an edge over those who can afford to buy targeted traffic from other sources.
What Platform Is Your Target Audience On?
The only problem with social media is the time it takes to engage with your followers. That’s where Private Label Rights (PLR) can save you time. You also need to know which sites you want to target. Are your potential clients on Facebook or do they prefer Pinterest or Twitter?
If your niche is home decor or fashion, Pinterest is the perfect platform to be on! People love sharing and shopping on Pinterest! Niches, such as many of the health niches, may perform better on Facebook, or that is what I have found anyway. Pictures of cholesterol or thyroid health may not be shared as often on Pinterest as pretty shoes and designer handbags.
The popular social media sites are:
- Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and Pinterest.
- Go to each one and figure out if there’s a large enough base for you there before you waste your time. See if there are hashtags (#) being used for your topics, and if groups have formed to gather your audience in one area within the site.
- Once you know you have a thriving audience, you’ll want to set up an account there if you don’t already have a place. You have a couple of options. One is to be a business or brand name and the other is to be yourself.
- Both are viable options – you just have to look at the pros and cons of each one and decide what’s best for your business. The second thing you want to do is start looking for viable PLR to represent you on these sites.
One thing that often causes people to shy away from social networks is the sheer overwhelm they feel when faced with managing multiple accounts and a lot of on-going content.
Private label rights can help you keep a continual flow of posting information and therefore positioning you as an expert.
Good content requires brainstorming of ideas and slants, researching facts and developing opinions and crafting it all in a well-organized manner that’s easily digestible to an audience. This takes time!
You’d normally think you’d have to spend hours on a task like that – or at the very least, spend a lot of money hiring a ghostwriter to do your work for you. PLR cuts down on time and money, especially if you find the PLR providers that offer top quality content at a reasonable price.
PLR Helps Maintain Social Momentum
Once you find a pack of PLR where the content meets your needs, after purchasing it put it to use immediately.
- Unzip the file that you just bought and create other folders inside of it. I like to create a folder saying: Used. Inside that folder I create other folders that might say my website or a social media platform. You’ll have whatever social networking sites you use, such as ‘Used on YouTube’, ‘Used on Facebook’, ‘Used on Twitter’, etc. That way you know what you have used and where. Plus, you can use it again for other things!
Your PLR can be repurposed again and again, so you want keep your investment, not just slap it up on a site as is and delete it.
Make time each and every day – no more than 10 minutes max – to pop into your social networks and post some of your PLR there. The great thing is, this will be a very short post regardless of where you’re putting it, so it shouldn’t take a lot of time at all.
The best thing you can do to brand yourself and lend credence to your claim as an authority figure is to stay at the forefront of your niche. Those who rarely post because they’re too shy, or who get easily distracted and abandon their social networking accounts, aren’t taken as seriously as those who diligently post day after day as a way to bond with their audience.
Engaging Your Followers on Social Media with PLR
Engaging your followers on social media sites means getting them to participate right alongside you. They might respond to questions, argue with you, agree or share your posts virally.
So what’s the best way to do that?
Go with what you learned in school – use the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How questions.
So let’s take a look at a paragraph from a weight loss PLR report. This report is called 5 Ways to Overcome Dieting Depression. The original paragraph states this: “There are certain things you can do to prevent a mental lapse where you cave in to your negative feelings. You have to be your own motivational coach – no one else can do this.”
Now we’re going to take that one paragraph and turn it into six different social networking posts that will engage your readers.
- Who: “Who else here has a problem with diet failure due to negative feelings, causing you to cave on your diet?”
- What: “What’s your best motivational tip for recovering after you cheat on a diet due to negative feelings?”
- When: “When are you most prone to cave into your food cravings due to negative emotions – is it when you’re tired, sad, or angry?”
- Where: “Where do you record your pattern of caving in to bad food choices due to negative feelings – a print journal, online journal, or elsewhere?”
- Why: “Why do you think you associate food as comfort for negative feelings instead of a healthier choice?”
- How: “Experts say, ‘There are certain things you can do to prevent a mental lapse where you cave in to your negative feelings. You have to be your own motivational coach – no one else can do this.’ So my question to you is this: How have you worked on learning to motivate yourself when the allure of cheating on your diet is so strong? We can’t do it without the proper tools!”
Notice that in most of them, we simply used the original paragraph as a springboard for our own content, with a few words taken from the original, but in the last one, we used it as curated content – quoting the original and adding our own dialogue to the mix.
That’s just one paragraph from a 5-page report. Think of how much you can do with the entire pack! You can take those and post them all over different social networks to see how people respond.
This is also a great way to learn about your audience and start working on products to sell to them (some of which might be PLR products in eBook form or your own creations).
Take Advantage of Image Success Using PLR
Images are noticed more on social networking sites, and they’re also shared more by your target audience regardless of what network you’re on (meaning you don’t have to be on an image-heavy site like Pinterest to get shared).
So whenever you extract a snippet like a quote from a PLR pack, you can easily turn it into an image that you can post to your Facebook Fan Page, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, G+ and more. You can find free graphics online, you don’t necessarily need to buy them.
Plus, extracting controversial snippets that make people share their own opinion are the best – it gets the conversation going. People will often share images like this because they want to subtly use it to “argue” with others who hold differing beliefs. So if they’ve been discussing diets with their friend, they would share your image as a way of fortifying their stance – and using you as the expert to back them up.
Repurpose Your PLR
Using the content again and again is what will help you get the most value from your PLR. You not only want to combine it into larger packs and break it up into smaller snippets, but you want to turn it into completely different formats if possible.
- Video is a great way to repurpose your PLR. You have a couple of options here. You could read it as is, especially if you can make it sound like your not reading a script and it’s even better when you put your personality into it.
- You can also take a snippet and use it as an idea for a video blog! Look at the quote on that image earlier – you could use that one sentence to read and then discuss your true opinion about it. Agree or disagree!
- Put it on sites like YouTube and Vimeo and get it shared by others. Once the video is live, share it on other sites like Facebook, Google Plus and more.
- You can also use your PLR to turn it into a podcast for your audience. Podcast publishing sites are all over the place, so just record yourself reading the content verbatim or discussing it (the same as you would on video) and then get it on the various podcasting sites so it can begin working for you.
Social networking should never take up a lot of your time. It’s meant to be easy for you to pop in and pop out of, so don’t let distractions pull you in longer than necessary.
Use your PLR to showcase your leadership in the niche and if you’re using top quality PLR content, chances are your content will become viral among niche enthusiasts with very little effort.
Great ideas Susan. I like to create videos out of slides, which is very easy with the latest version of Powerpoint. Then I can share both the slides and videos online.
Creating videos out of PLR has so many benefits too, especially if uploaded to social media sites. One big one is getting traffic back from places like YouTube but it also positions you as an expert in your niche too. Thanks Sue!
Hi Susan, thanks for the great tips. I’ve found that articles can easily be turned into quotes and tweets, just showing us how great the original writer is.
Great idea Sarah. I love using them as tweets but I haven’t used them for quotes!
Wow. I never thought of using PLR on social media. Do you supply content after asking the questions Who? What? How? Do you put links back to your site?
And I love the idea of the Used folder – many times the PLR sits as-is (ie zip!) on my hard drive!
Hi Jennifer,
Yes most definitely! For example, you have an article you post to your site…then you might tweet a ‘Who?’ then tweet a ‘What?’ then tweet a ‘How?’ and each one link back to the article. Each question grabs a reader in a different way. Someone might want to know how, someone else might want to know what… π
I love my folders…and Evernote…I know what has gone where and if I use something and I know I won’t use it again, I usually delete it. However, that is rare as I am a PLR hoarder!
These are great tips for the use of PLR as well as how to avoid the overwhelm of distributing information across a variety of platforms.
Great stuff,
Thanks Rob! Social media certainly can be overwhelming and using PLR makes it a whole lot easier as there is always content available to post. π
Hi Susan I believe this blog post is awesome as it shows different ways to use PLR with social media sites. There is alot of different ways that we can use PLR for social media and you hit alot of them in this post.
All The Best
Edward Haberthur
Thanks Edward! We certainly can use PLR hundreds of different ways and we can probably use PLR hundreds of different ways for social media alone! I might have to write about more ways soon. π
Great tips, Susan. It can be overwhelming to try and keep up with them all. I use Buffer to post blog posts to my social media sites. I will be sharing yours. π
I also like Hootsuite. However, I don’t stay on top of social media like I used to. I think the key is to pick one that you’ll use the most and then one other as a secondary source. I use FB and Twitter. I have accounts all over, but unless I have something to autopost to them, I don’t visit them.
Thanks Patti and thank you for sharing! π I have looked at Buffer, I even have it installed on my browser toolbar…but I always went for HootSuite in the end. I guess I like how I can paste my PLR into the HootSuite schedule function and also upload images…plus I don’t have to visit all my accounts…one dashboard to see everything at a glance!
Thanks again!
Some great info in here Susan, especially liked the use of the questions to break plr down into posts, tweets etc
Thanks Mike!