On this page we provide you with the answers to questions we get asked frequently. One is our PLR terms of use. Many other questions are about PLR content and it’s use, other questions we get asked revolve around the tools we use in our business. We also get asked if there are other PLR providers that we can recommend.
We hope you find the answer or solution to what you are looking for, otherwise please contact us so we can help you and add it to our FAQs!
We DO NOT provide Resell Rights or Master Resale Rights licenses. If you own a PLR store you CANNOT SELL our content. NO exceptions! We take this matter very seriously, so please don’t.
Private Label Rights Questions
Private Label Rights – PLR & Licensing
Private Label Rights’ content is also known as ‘Done-for-You’ content, or ‘White Label Content.’ It is content created for you to use in your own business. It is content you can edit and rebrand as your own. You can post it on your website, use it to grow your email list, and more.
All our do’s and don’ts are at the bottom of this page.
Think of private label rights, or PLR content, as content you have created yourself. You are buying the white label license to edit and brand the content as your own. We are giving you the “rights” to be the author of the content, and you can either change it or use it as is.
However we do suggest you don’t call yourself the author unless you rewrite it. Simply because if you want to be an expert in your niche it wouldn’t help your reputation if other people said they wrote the same book as you. After all, other people can purchase the same PLR content from us too.
You could say something like “Proudly Brought To You By Your Name” – Do you see the difference?
Therefore, our content is for you to use on your websites, or in brochures, or you can use it to create training, podcasts, videos, etc.
As we said earlier, the license is for you. You CANNOT transfer our license to someone else. You cannot give your own customers any of the editable files. Again, these are for you to make your own edits, and you can only sell the finished (PDF) format.
Here is an example of how to use it in your business. You may be a doctor and you want to sell the eBooks to your customers. That is allowed. You can sell the eBooks to your own customers, BUT, without the editable files. They are for your use only.
All our content is for you to use in your business. You can provide the information to your customer for their personal use. Your customer cannot sell any part of our content.
Every PLR provider has different license rules or terms of use. You just have to read and abide by those rules. You can read all our license rules below this page and we also provide a license with all your content purchases. If you still don’t understand, please ask us for further explanation.
You can also read our ‘What Is PLR?’ article for further clarification.
Our PLR content is for health professionals and personal development coaches who require high-quality content for their business needs.
Resell Rights PLR
This one is more tricky and gets confused with ‘PLR’ content. Plus, different ‘resell PLR sellers’ have different rules, so before you do anything with this, read the fine print or ask the seller what is allowed or not. Get clarification if necessary first!
PLEASE NOTE: You cannot resell our PLR in your own PLR store!
Master Resell Rights PLR
“Master Resale Rights” is where you are given the opportunity to sell the product in its entirety. That means you can sell the complete product and keep 100% of all profits. You will not owe anyone any royalties or commissions. It will be entirely your own product. However, you cannot edit anything, so if it has errors, or isn’t up to your standard, you are limited. You have to sell it as is.
You may be thinking, but isn’t that the same as PLR?
No it isn’t. PLR is for your use only. You can edit it and rebrand it.
Master Resale Rights gives you the license to pass the license on down the line. It is yours to call your own… but your license is where you can provide your customers the opportunity to sell it as a complete package if they so desire. So when you sell your product, you pass on the Master Resell Rights license for them to resell too.
PLEASE NOTE: You cannot resell our PLR in your own PLR store!
Private label rights content, also known as white label content, can be used hundreds of ways. If you are a health professional or blogger, a self-help, personal development coach or mentor, or a person with a passion to share information with others, our content can help you do just that.
We can provide you with helpful ideas to build your lists and promote your websites using our high-quality PLR. Here are just a few ideas on how you can use the content:
- Post the articles on your website, either as is or you can re-write them to suit your own ‘voice’ or personal style.
- Upload articles into your autoresponder to provide valuable information to your readers through a free eCourse.
- Or create a paid newsletter and use the content for your daily email send.
- Use the report, or create a report from the articles, as a gift to attract new subscribers to your list.
- Post snippets of articles to Facebook or other social media sites.
- Share the social posters on all your favorite social media sites and link back to your website post to create traffic to your website or squeeze page.
- You can read the content and record your voice to create podcasts.
- Create a video or slides, or both, with the social posters or articles.
- Hold a webinar and use the professionally researched content to show yourself as an expert in your niche.
- Use the articles to create eBooks. If you have bundles of PLR on the same topic, you can compile it into bigger eBooks.
- If you live in another country, translate the content into your own language and share with your readers.
- Create a membership site in your niche where people can talk about their problems and use the content to provide answers and be seen as an expert!
- If you are an offline business, create flyers and brochures for your clients and potential clients.
There are hundreds of ideas on how to use white label content and these are just a few. You are only limited by your imagination… but if your imagination fails, we are here to help you. We also have resources that may help you too!
You can use our PLR to create as many products as you like, which you can sell as your own product to your customers. You just can’t sell our packs with a PLR license. The license is for your use only. We create products for you to use in your business.
The products, such as an eBook, you can sell for your customer’s personal use only. They cannot use the products you sell to them in their business.
You have the editing rights, they do not. So you can sell an ebook for them to read… NOT for them to resell.
One way to use the PLR is to create optin gifts (or lead magnets) with the content. That way you can grow your subscriber list. The more your mailing list grows, the more people you have to share and sell your products and services to. Your customer sees that you are providing quality information and therefore learns to trust you, and ultimately may buy from you in the future.
You can repurpose the PLR content you have purchased however you want. For example, you can take the articles and create videos or podcasts.
There are hundreds of ways you can use private label rights content. If you’ve got an idea, but aren’t sure if it’s allowed, please contact us.
There are many ways. We show you how in our course, and we have many free business building resources to help you too. You can use PLR content for almost anything. One excellent way is to create squeeze pages and sales funnels. That way you can turn your website visitors into buying customers. (We have a resource and course on that for you too!)
PLR is perfect for creating products and building highly responsive mailing lists. That’s how you can start making money in your business.
This is the great unanswerable question. There are far too many variables. Every niche is different, every person’s personal efforts are different. You certainly can’t simply put up a website with a few PLR products and expect the dollars to come rolling in. It requires work and self-eduction in regards to building an online business.
However, PLR content provides you with content you can sell and content you can use to develop yourself as an authority in your niche.
How you will do that is up to you.
For example, I may decide I want to win an Olympic gold medal. So I buy the best racing swimwear I can find. Does that mean I will succeed in my dream of winning a medal within 1 to 3 months? I don’t think so. The same applies if you buy our PLR content. It is a tool for you to use in your business, but it is up to you how you use it and how you perform.
No we do not offer refunds. You can see our refund policy here. Our products are digital downloads and we provide free samples to ‘try before you buy’. So if you would like to try our content first, please download our free PLR packs here:
We are in business to provide exceptional quality and value and we know we do! We are proud of the content we create. So please try before you buy and download our free packs first.
You can use either your PayPal account OR your credit or debit card within the PayPal interface even if you don’t have a PayPal account. Once you click the button to purchase one of our products, you will be taken to PayPal where you are given two choices.
- You can login to your PayPal account or
- You can “Pay with a credit or debit card.”
Therefore it doesn’t matter if you don’t have a PayPal account, you can still purchase our products!
We also provide Stripe as another payment (credit card) gateway.
I cover this in my Mastery Training. Duplicate content is where you have duplicate content on your own site. This occurs if you publish the same article 2 or more times. It’s not where you have an article published and then someone else has the exact same article published on their website.
Think of the news companies! They all have the exact same news, almost word for word if you look closely! That is not considered duplicate content. Therefore it doesn’t hurt their rankings one little bit… and it won’t hurt yours.
So use your PLR knowing you won’t get a website penalty… unless you get lazy and publish the same content too many times! 🙂
Just a note here. Many people believe duplicate content started years ago when thin sites were built. These were cookie cutter sites that all contained the same look, the same titles, the sam eosts, the same images… the same everything! Yes, these are duplicate websites which provided no value in the search engine result pages (otherwise known as the SERPs.) Of course these were considered ‘duplicate’! Because they are/were!
PLR is not the same as that. For example, the same article is used on my website and yours. However, you have a different sidebar to me. You have a different header to me. Our navigation links are different. Is this a duplicate webpage? No it isn’t.
No, not at all! Again, there are so many ways that make it ‘yours’. Images, titles, headlines in the content, bullet points etc. It really depends on what you want to do and if you are happy with the ‘voice’ in the content. If you use an article in an autoresponder series, no-one will even know it’s PLR content, so you may feel happy using it as is.
It all depends on you and your goals, but the simple answer to this question is no.
Our packages include the PSD (photoshop) source files. You can open the source files using Adobe PhotoShop. However, if you don’t have PhotoShop, you can use these websites to open PSD files:
We’ve never used these sites as we use photoshop to create the files. If you want to add your URL to a JPG or PNG file, you can try this online tool we found:
Our PLR content can be added to a website and then later sold, if it is sold on only one domain, and you don’t intend to use the content again.
It can’t be used in templates that are sold over and over, or cloned, resold or flipped, on many different domains. The purpose must be for the use of being used on one website only… your business… one that you are now selling.
As I am such an SEO geek, I can’t bring myself to provide keyword search lists. For example, if you bought a pack we created today, the keyword research would be up to date, today only. However, if you bought it in a year’s time… the information would have changed. Yes, there are some major keywords that will never change, but for most people they are too hard to crack.
You need long-tail keywords to help you get results… and here’s a tip for you… if you can find a keyword that only has 100,000 pages or less in the search results, then you are on a definite winner! They are hard to find. In fact, they are EXTREMELY hard. I personally love looking for keywords under 500,000 search results if possible. It’s when I do this that I sometimes stumble on a golden nugget.
We have been asked many times about the content we provide. Customers want to know what the relationship is with our authors in terms of trusting the information they provide. For example, nutrition, and health-related information seems to change all the time in what was once believed right, and now is believed to be wrong.
It’s a great question and we totally agree how what is considered to be facts one day, maybe denounced in the future, and then reaffirmed beyond that. This means that so called facts actually have a large degree of subjectivity attached to them.
As far as our content providing structure works – we have a few writers gather research for us, however, we NEVER use the content as provided. We actually rewrite and edit every single article and report we receive. Geoff is the one who does all our intros and conclusions too. Even after I, Susan, edit an article, he re-edits and often picks up something that I missed. (He is amazing in my opinion!)
Sometimes we will omit information provided for different reasons. Sometimes we may even strongly believe what is written but also believe it to be considered too controversial or subjective.
As we are delivering to a broad audience we have to steer a middle course. We take pride in delivering what we believe to be factual information to the best of our knowledge. What we absolutely strive to do is to NOT deliver misinformation. That is one of our pet hates on the web.
So in answer to the question about our writers and information gathered, we are our writers and editors!
Yes we do! You can see many of our complete sales funnel packs include an email series. If we have a pack that doesn’t include them, you can use some of the information from the articles. I have taught people in my coaching sessions how I personally use PLR articles to add to my affiliate niche autoresponders.
I will post an article on my site and then in my autoresponder I will say, Hi… and then copy and paste my first paragraph or two… and then say you can read more about this here… and then give my link to my post. So I repurpose my articles, which is so easy to do.
Recommended PLR Providers
We are happy to promote the following health & wellness, and personal development PLR providers. We have provided our affiliate links and we thank you if you use them!
- Internet Slayers – JR Lang provides PLR content packs in a variety of both health and personal development niches. JR is a successful marketer that knows what her customers need and she provides the content required… in massive amounts.
These are in no particular order. All of them provide quality content, so it would be worth your while to check them all out to see what will be perfect for you!
- Content Sparks – Sharyn Sheldon provides excellent business training PLR packages. In most packages you receive participant, facilitator and promotional material. You can certainly learn yourself, or coach your clients when you use any of Sharyn’s products. Her knowledge and expertise is incredible. I can’t speak highly enough of Sharyn’s content.
- Piggy Makes Bank – Tracy Roberts and Susanne Myers are an amazing team, with years of experience in writing, marketing and customer service. Their content is extremely high quality and they have content your customers need.
- Coach Glue – Melissa Ingold and Nicole Dean are huge names in the PLR and marketing business! I followed them for years! Their content helps coaches with ‘done-for-you’ coaching forms, workshops, and content for every part of your business.
If you’re looking for self improvement PLR content, here’s a list of providers we use.
- Internet Slayers – JR Lang provides PLR content packs in a variety of both health and personal development niches. JR is a successful marketer that knows what her customers need and she provides the content required… in massive amounts.
- Piggy Makes Bank – Tracy Roberts and Susanne Myers are an amazing team, with years of experience in writing, marketing and customer service. Their content is extremely high quality and they have content your customers need.
- Tools for Motivation – Justin Popovic and Ted Payne not only provide quality PLR… they provide excellent video tutorials on how to use your PLR too, and nifty ideas!
- PLR.me – Ronnie Nijmeh provides excellent content for health coaches. He was a stress coach and probably one of the first PLR providers I knew! Ronnie offers a credit system where you only buy exactly what you need.
- Daily Faith PLR – Quality content and beautiful graphics. Perfect for spreading love and happiness.
Training and Resources
We have created a video for you, so you can watch the steps, and in your PLR package there is a PDF instruction sheet.
We have a training program that covers everything we do in our affiliate niche websites, and how we use PLR to build them and make them ‘work’. 🙂 We also have free training and videos to watch too.
- From Overwhelmed to Mastery
- Other Training
- Subscribe to our YouTube channel for all our training videos.
Yes we do. You can download many business building resources to help you grow your business here:
Business Tools
We use and therefore recommend, aMember. It handles everything we need for digital downloads, our shopping cart, membership access and more! Plus, it has a built-in affiliate program, so we don’t have to have a separate system setup. In our opinion, it is an amazing program that we wouldn’t be without.
- If you would like to use this platform, and need help, there’s a great course by Lynette Chandler here: aMember Course
- GetResponse – We use GetResponse as it works perfectly with aMember and integrates beautifully with other platforms. We love it!
- Aweber – This is one of the email marketing platforms we used when we first started. It worked great, but GetResponse gave us one on one service, so now GetResponse is our #1 recommendation.
We use fonts that have a commercial use license in all our designs. However, if you want to edit some of our posters and don’t have the font we have used, you’ll need your own license as we cannot pass on the font file license. They are very inexpensive, yet make your designs stand out from the crowd. We’re sure you’ll agree.
This is where you can purchase your own license:
VIP Membership Subscriptions
No, you do not. You only receive the current month’s topic, plus a bonus package, plus a 50% discount loyalty coupon (while ever you remain a member), which you can use to purchase any past content in our store.
If you want to purchase other packages, we suggest you join a VIP Membership and use the 50% discount coupon.
If you want to cancel your subscription to our monthly membership, you can do so from within your member’s dashboard. There is a link to your payments here:
If you have a PayPal subscription, you can also do it here if you prefer. Here’s what you do.
- Login to your PayPal account.
- Click the ‘wheel’ in the top right navbar.
- Click ‘Account Settings.’
- In the left-hand side panel click ‘Money, bank accounts and cards.’
- In the right-hand side panel, scroll to ‘Automatic Payments’
- Click ‘Manage Automatic Payments’
- Find your subscription to your membership and click Cancel.
- Click Cancel Profile to confirm your request.
If you have any problems please let us know and we’ll login to our own Business PayPal account or Stripe account and cancel it for you.
As we said earlier, if you are unsure of what you can do with your PLR content, please just ask us. We also have some free handy resources for you here too: Business Building Resources.
Please Note: Many of these links are affiliate links, but we are happy to recommend tools we use and providers we believe to be worthy of promoting! We won’t recommend anyone or any product that we don’t use ourselves in our own businesses.
I want to be a blogger in health niche but I am not health professional. Is it possible and how can I start?
Hi King,
Yes, you can be a health blogger. There are many ways to get started, however, if you want to be a blogger, then a website where you can post your content (in your blog) is the perfect place to start.
If you do have a blog and not sure what’s next, we have created a ‘From Overwhelmed to Mastery‘ training course, where I show you all the steps I do on my own health niche blogs.
I hope that helps! ~ Susan
I am interested in purchasing your monthly or yearly memberships for plr. However, I have a question that I need answered. Can I use this to create and sell Kindle Books on Amazon IF I REWRITE the books? Please let me know. Thanks Ray
Hi Ray,
We don’t mind if you do that at all. The only reason we say you can’t sell on the Kindle platform is because of their terms… where you can’t use PLR content as is. It has to be original, which is why we don’t want our customers to get into trouble and have their Kindle account banned.
So if you rewrite them and know you are giving what Kindle wants, you should be safe. The only other thing is, you will want to change the eCover, which I am sure you would do anyway. I hope that helps with your decision and thank you for asking! Susie
Hello, I did not understand some restriction terms. If I buy one of the products, will I be able to have affiliates on the platforms (hotmart, monetizze and between golds)?
Hi Giliard,
If you are creating a course or wanting to sell the eBook, and you want to allow affiliates to promote your end product from our content, yes you can.
I hope that answers your question, if not, please let me know. Thank you!
Gostei do seu produto, ele tem paginas de vendas? (Translation: “I liked your product, does it have sales pages?”)
Hi Beatriz,
No I’m sorry, we don’t have sales pages for our eBooks, however, some of our products do have WordPress squeeze pages. I know a few customers have used them for their sales pages. We are thinking of doing sales pages, as we have been getting a lot of requests lately.
Can I ask which product you were interested in?
Thank you for asking!
Posso mudar a capa do E.book por outra que ache mais adequada? (Can I change the cover of the eBook for another one that I think is more appropriate?)
Hi Carlos, you certainly can change the cover to any of the eBooks. Thank you for asking!
Hi what software do you use to track which content is performing? And how do you do split testing, do you have a video showing these topics?
Hi Jude,
As you would know there are many tools available, but one that has a really good free version is by Google. That one is Google Optimize. It even links to your Google Analytics. I have used specific plugins in the past for different optin form conversions, but they don’t split test pages.
As for video training, no I don’t have anything on this, but each platform that does split testing will have videos showing how. Here are some videos for Google Optimize if that suits you: https://support.google.com/optimize/answer/9340015
I hope that helps!
Hi Susie
Thanks very much for your reply. I will have a look into Optimize.
If you do decide to do a split testing video in the future that would be great 😃
What’s a good price point for your eBooks? Thanks
Hi Ricky,
Of course you can sell the eBooks for whatever price you choose. However, we recommend selling them for at least $17. You could also provide a bonus eBook, and if you did that, we recommend you sell that offer for at least $27.
Anything ending in a 7 appeals to most buyers! So the advertising experts advise!
Thank you for asking!