Emotional Intelligence PLR Package

This ‘Emotional Intelligence’ PLR package provides information where your clients will learn the factors that contribute to their emotional intelligence. More importantly, they will learn how they can better develop their emotional intelligence to make their life happier and more successful. You will be able to teach your customers that their ‘EQ is their new IQ.’
Emotional Intelligence PLR Package Includes…

Here’s what’s included in this ‘done-for-you’ private label rights package.
- 5 high quality articles in text and Word doc files.
- All articles professionally written and edited.
- Audio articles – 5 audios in a male voice and 5 audios in a female voice. Use the ‘speaker’ to suit your audience.
- For those who love reports, we have created a report from the articles in this pack.
- The report is beautifully formatted and illustrated with our designed social posters, which are royalty free, commercial use images.
- eCover graphics in 4 different layouts, including a 3D stack. The PSD file is included for editing.
- 5 professionally designed social posters, plus PSD files for easy editing. Beautiful typography and photographs.
- People won’t be able to resist sharing your posters. Just add your URL and enjoy going viral.
- Squeeze page, or optin page, designed to build your list. Copy and paste into your WordPress page. If you use HTML websites, that’s fine too… you can use the content we have written for your own page.
- A ‘call-to-action’ graphic to place anywhere you like. Link it to your optin page and watch your customer base grow.
- BONUS – 5 social media snippets to post on your favorite platforms.

Emotional Intelligence PLR Report or eBook
This report (or eBook) has a disclaimer, table of contents, introduction and conclusion. The chapters are hyperlinked, and you will receive the word document for easy editing, or you can use the PDF as shown below. Beautifully formatted and illustrated with the social posters we have created from royalty-free, commercial use images. 21 pages, 4,124 words.

Emotional Intelligence PLR eBook Covers
These eBook covers are designed with royalty-free, commercial use images. You’ll receive 4 different style formats, plus the JPG and PNG web-ready formats and the editable PSD file.

Custom Squeeze Page (or Optin Page) & ‘Call to Action’ Graphic

We’ve created the copy for your WordPress squeeze page. Now you can promote your ‘Emotional Intelligence’ report offer without having to create the content yourself.
Simply copy and paste into your WordPress page! Add your optin form, and you’ll be ready for your website visitors to subscribe to your newsletter and report.
PLUS! We’ve created a call-to-action graphic for you to place on your website so your visitor will click through to your squeeze page. Squeeze page instructions are included for your convenience.

Emotional Intelligence PLR Articles – Written and Audio
You’ll also receive the professionally written and edited articles we have used to create the report.
Now you can post the article to your website and link to your report offer! The articles are also provided in audio formats as shown below.
- What is Emotional Intelligence? – 685 words
- How Emotional Intelligence Reduces Stress – 710 words
- Telltale Signs of Low Emotional Intelligence (Low EQ) – 652 words
- Signs of High Emotional Intelligence – 652 words
- Effective Ways to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence – 661 words
Audio Articles – Male and Female Voices
You’ll receive an audio file for each article in both male and female voices. You don’t need the voice to be your own… you can simply introduce the ‘speaker’ in the audio as the person reading your content. Start your own podcast or place the audio on your website for those who prefer to listen! Audio articles are provided in MP3 format.

Male Recording Sample
Female Recording Sample

Social Posters
Social posters are a real bonus to your business. Why? People love to share gorgeous graphics and that’s what we have created for you. You can post these on your website and share them on your favorite social media platforms. You’ll receive 5 social posters, one for each article in this package, plus you’ll receive the PSD editable files.

Bonus Social Media Snippets

We have 5 social media snippets as a bonus for you. They are ready for you to use so that you can start sharing your content! Simply post and share!

High-quality content ready for you to use as your own. We’ve created it for you, so you can spend your time in other areas of your business. That’s why done-for-you content is such a great time-saver!
Only $37

Emotional Intelligence PLR Package

To your continued success always,

Geoff and Susan O’Dea
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